Università degli Studi di Messina

Università degli Studi di Messina (UNIME)

The University of Messina (UNIME) was founded in 1548 and enjoys a long tradition as a driving force in the Mediterranean area with a strong orientation towards interationalisation, innovation and quality of teaching and research.
In the Italian university quality rankings, Unime ranks second among large Southern Italy universities. Unime is among the top 15 Universities in Italy (11th) for the sustainability of Degree Courses and for the competitiveness of research (14th place), namely the ability to attract resources on the various projects.

UNIME participates in EMBRC-IT with the following Core Facilities:

LabStREAM (Lab Head: Professor Nunziacarla Spanò)
LabStREAM is a multidisciplinary team of researchers in marine biology from different departments of University of Messina. The scientific activity is mainly focused on studying marine organisms, their distribution, and relative environmental parameters. Research performed by LabStREAM concern ecology and biology of benthic and nektonic organisms, taxonomic identification, diet composition and reproduction of aquatic organisms of commercial and ecological interest. Further research topics involve study of carbonate structures present in the inner ear of teleost, the otoliths, monitoring of marine protected areas, environmental impact assessment of artifacts on seabed. A special attention is addressed to the effects of different classes of pollutants (marine litter) on marine organisms. An ichthyology Lab with all the necessary instruments (sector table, stereomicroscopes, ichthyometers, etc) is available.

Institute for Experimental, Comparative, Forensic and Aquatic Pathology “Slavko Bambir” (Lab Head: Professor Fabio Marino)
The Institute for Comparative, Experimental, Forensic and Aquatic Pathology is a facility for experimental aquatic in vivo models kept in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), performing histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analysis for diagnosis in aquaculture and experimental research

PHARMALAB (Lab Head: Professor Salvatore Cuzzocrea)
PHARMALAB includes a team of researchers expert in the field of Pharmacology and Marine Pharmacology. The research of the PHARMALAB focuses on the role of oxidative stress and inflammation in various pathologies that concern both autoimmunity and neurodegenerative disorders, the role of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories of natural and/or synthetic origin, the modulation of autophagy and apoptosis, the modulation and inhibition of specific receptors and the search for new biomarkers. 

 Institute of Technology “MeIT” (Lab Heads: Professor Paola Dugo and Professor Luigi Mondello)
The research of the MeIT laboratory focuses on the use of innovative chromatographic techniques and multidimensional techniques in combination with mass spectrometry for the study of complex natural matrices and food products.



Università degli Studi di Messina_Presentation