We are the national arm of EMBRC,
offering services for marine biology research in Italy
We are the national arm of EMBRC,
offering services for marine biology research in Italy
We are the national arm of EMBRC,
offering services for marine biology research in Italy
The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) aims to advance fundamental and applied marine biology and ecology research, while promoting the development of blue biotechnology.
This is achieved by facilitating access to marine organisms and ecosystems, experimental facilities, technological platforms, and relevant services in its Marine Stations and Research Institutes of 10 European countries including (Italy, Belgium, France, Greece, Israel, Portugal, Norway, Spain, Finland, Sweden) in support of robust and efficient research.
Who are the actors of EMBRC-IT?
EMBRC-Italy (EMBRC-IT) is the Italian National Node of EMBRC-ERIC and includes 16 partners (SZN, CoNISMA, CNR, OGS, CTN-BIG, IZSPLV, ENEA, ISPRA, UNITUS, UNICA, UNIFE, UNIME UNIMIB UNINA UNITO, UNIVPM) with Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn as Leading Institute and Representing the Node at the General Assembly of EMBRC-ERIC.
The Italian “Joint Reserch Unit” has been established with the aim to create critical mass for the development of new collaborative research projects and research services and promote the exchange of human and infrastructural resources in the field of Blue Growth.
Our Services
EMBRC-IT Service Catalogue provides access to a wide array of unique ecosystems, biobanks and culture collections and advanced technological platforms.
Click on the icons below to explore EMBRC-IT service catalogue:
News and events

EMBRC-IT Launches a Call for Funded Access
To celebrate the launch of its new website and a renewed service catalogue EMBRC-IT launches opens an Access Call to fund excellent research projects aimed to access marine ecosystems and to make use of services for marine biology and ecology.