Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA)
ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, environment and sustainable economic development. ENEA has highly qualified personnel, advanced laboratories, experimental facilities and excellent instruments for the realization of projects, studies, tests, assessments, analyses and training services, with particular reference to product and process innovation to contribute to the development and competitiveness of the national economic system.
Its focus sectors, organized in 4 Departments, are: energy technologies, sustainability of territorial and productive systems, nuclear fusion and nuclear safety, energy efficiency, technologies for cultural heritage, seismic protection, food safety, environment, life sciences, strategic raw materials, climate change, efficiency, technologies for cultural heritage, seismic protection, food safety, environment, life sciences, strategic raw materials, climate change. Moreover, it supports the productive system as well as public authorities in the transition towards the circular economy and the resource efficiency.
ENEA has full statutory and regulatory autonomy, refers to the European Charter for Researchers, pursues gender equality, is a public research body endowed with scientific, statutory, regulatory, financial, organizational, patrimonial, accounting autonomy.

Belonging to SSPT Department, the S. Teresa Marine Environment Research Centre (La Spezia) and Portici Research Centre (Naples) are the two ENEA Centers focusing on marine studies.
The S. Teresa Marine Environment Research Centre focuses on research and development of methodologies and tools for the protection and sustainable management of the marine environment, including the use of bioindicators to detect environmental quality and effects of climate change. For over 60 years, the Centre was involved in a large number of collaborations and national and international projects all addressing the marine environment.
The Centre has a strategic position due to its proximity to areas recognized as UNESCO world heritage sites for their environmental and landscape value (Porto Venere Regional Natural Park and Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area and National Park). It is also located next to areas with an industrial footprint and a strong environmental impact (port of La Spezia, ENEL power station, shipbuilding, sport/commercial fishing and shellfish farming) and constitutes an important natural laboratory for the studies of direct and indirect anthropic impacts on coastal marine ecosystems.
The Portici Research Centre hosts a large aquaria facility endowed with tanks of different capacities (from 300 liters to 60 liters), in addition a new system of aquaria equipped with probes and controlled lighting is in the process of being acquired. The proximity to the sea facilitates the maintenance and management of the seawater system and of the marine organisms. The facility is fully equipped to ensure the environmental conditions needed for the fauna farming/housing such as temperature and illumination, and to control different water quality needed for the fauna farming/housing such as temperature and illumination, and to control different water quality parameters. This facility was used in different projects for mollusk, fish and echinoderms housing and for the study of their well-being parameters and early stress signals (CARISMA, Virge, B Blue, RIT mare, etc.). In the same place, microalgae cultivation facilities are present. Currently the aquaria room hosts a series of equipped microcosms for experimenting the potential adverse environmental conditions for organisms health in nature and for their breeding.