Ecosystem Access
EMBRC-IT provides access to a wide variety of marine ecosystems, including Posidonia forests (SZN), coral reefs (UNIMIB), lagoons (CNR-ISMAR), deepwater environments and their planktonic and pelagic communities. Access to special sites and extreme environments are also managed, including high CO2/low pH volcanic springs or marine protected areas where ecosystem regeneration treatments are simulated (ENEA-La Spezia).
Access to ecosystems is provided through the following platforms:
- Coastal research vessels
- Scientific diving facilities
- Submersibles (ROV/AUV)
- In-situ sampling facilities and monitoring equipment
- Field stations
- Other ecosystem access platforms
Included in the Ecosystem Accesses of EMBRC-IT is:

Coastal Research Vessels at CNR-ISMAR
Access in the Venice lagoon and nearby marine coastal sites (sampling of water, sediment, phyto, zooplankton, benthos, microplastic debris).
One 5 meters and one 10 meters small vessels are available for access to the Venice lagoon, with possibilities of accessing LTER sites (5 lagoons + 1 offshore LTER sites, urban channels, saltmarshes, seagrass beds, Venice industrial and harbour areas), north Adriatic coastal sites and tegnue coralligenous banks (Chioggia). Access is also provided to laboratories for collected sample handling, observation under microscopes (stereo, optical, direct inverted EF microscope) of plankton, benthos, microbes, basic molecular facilities (electrophoresys, PCRs), chemical and microbiological hoods, refrigerated centrifuge, autoclave, etc on request.

Access the Ecosystem Access Service Catalogue here: EMBRC-IT – Service List – Access to Ecosystems
Submit your request for access to EMBRC-IT services on the ARIA portal HERE