Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue Italian Growth
Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue Italian Growth (CTN-BIG)
The “Blue Italian Growth ” National Technology Cluster (BIG-TC) have an international economic dimension, scientific credibility, combined with a wealth of strategic collaborations that ensure a high potential for activating synergies and the correct strategic positioning on an international scale of the Cluster.
The scientific front of BIG-TC is represented by a large group of Universities and by all the Public Research Bodies that in several ways deals with the blue sector, while the industrial front sees the direct involvement of many leading national and international players, with a large presence of SMEs and territorial aggregations which also play a key role of connection with the Regions.
The BIG-TC is set up to remain in absolute harmony with the main development trajectories in this area – defined at a global, European and Mediterranean level – to respond to the main social challenges, in a sustainable way according to the macroeconomic trends typical of the sector and in compliance with criteria aimed at restoring and maintaining the Good Environmental Status. The identified development trajectories are:
(i) Marine environment and coastal strip
(ii) Blue biotechnology
(iii) Renewable energies from the sea
(iv) Marine abiotic resources
(v) Marine biotic resources
(vi) Shipbuilding and marine robotics

At the same time, the cross-cutting themes Skills & Jobs, Research infrastructures and Sustainability and Economic Uses of the Sea, will be addressed.
From an organisational and governance point of view, the BIG-TC is a recognised non-profit association open to all public and private entities.
BIG-TC is therefore organised with a structure open to the incremental participation of all the national actors involved, with the aim of creating a single aggregative reality of national importance, capable of being representative of the sector in an international perspective, and as a point of meeting and dialogue with central and local administrations.
The BIG-TC dedicates particular attention to dissemination by focusing its intervention on several guidelines: open involvement of all stakeholders in its internal processes of formulating shared positions, dissemination through conferences and in-depth events, dissemination to the general public of the Cluster’s activities and more generally of the value of the blue economy, to promote public awareness of all aspects of the marine and maritime sector, foster the creation of new partnership and active participation to strategic european funded projects.
Finally, the BIG-TC has launched a process of coordination of all players involved in the sector with the aim of producing technological roadmaps, identifying infrastructural needs and investments in training and human capital; mobilising the industry and the research system, developing public-private investments in research, promoting access to European funding and enhancing the sharing of knowledge between the public and private bodies.
Since its first action plan in 2018, Cluster BIG has been engaged extensively in internationalisation, networking processes, and activities related to the analysis of gaps and needs in various geographical areas and blue economy sectors as well as cascade funding management in the framework of COSME projects (namely MedBan and IKAT projects). Capacity building and skills enhancing are also at the core of BIG-TC activities through other projects, in particular the Erasmus+ MarMed.
Recently, another project was approved in the framework of EMFAF, currently in grant agreement preparation, and it focuses creating a structured cooperation model between maritime clusters on Northern and Southern shore of the Mediterranean.
Moreover, Cluster BIG is founding member of the West MED Cluster Alliance, which has launched a series of initiatives to promote knowledge and analysis of skills at the Mediterranean level.