About us
EMBRC-IT Joint Research Unit
The Italian Node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-IT) was constituted on 05/10/2021 as a JRU (Joint Research Unit), including a total of 16 partners (SZN, CONISMA, CNR, OGS, CTN-BIG, IZSPLV, ENEA, ISPRA, UNITUS, UNICA, UNIFE, UNIME UNIMIB UNINA UNITO, UNIVPM) with SZN as its coordinator and representative institute in EMBRC-ERIC.
Strategic Agenda
• Valorisation of the resources and skills of each of the Parties through their coordinated organization and best practices sharing;
• Coordination of national activities within EMBRC–ERIC and provide support to the MUR and other Ministries in organizing the Italian membership in EMBRC–ERIC and in defining strategic research agendas and roadmaps related to sustainable blue growth;
• Strengthening of Italian scientific research in the field of marine biology and promote training, scientific dissemination and communication in this area;
• Promotion of technology transfer and new relationships with national companies;
• Design and organization of pilot actions and projects, demonstrating the peculiarity and value of the Italian contribution to EMBRC–ERIC;
• Conduction of joint activities aimed at consolidating, strengthening and expanding the EMBRC-ERIC Research Infrastructure and its impact in terms of science and innovation, with particular attention to the spill overs at the national level, also by participating jointly or individually in funding programs of the Research.
Public-public and public-private collaborations
• Coordination of an up-to-date National Index of scientific services for the «blue» community
• National services catalogue opened to EU Projects and Transnational Accesses
• Single access point: marketing at national and EU level
• Support to efficient and coordinated technology transfer
• Shared management of orders via the Node capacity
• Improved opportunity for scientific interactions, co-authorship and for interdisciplinary collaborations
• Favourable access conditions for associate partner
Improved fundraising capacity
• HE: Participation in EU projects as individual members of EMBRC-IT that can involve the other members of the JRU and EMBRC-IT itself as Affiliated Entity
• PNRR (NextGenerationEU): Strengthening and improvement of operative units (OU) of EMBRC-IT partners
• H2020: Access to EU-IR grants
• PON 2007-2013: Action on «Potenziamento strutturale»
• POR 2014-20: Action on «access to H2020 EU projects»